Sorting Our Blessings

Where do you start sorting through the possessions (blessings) of a lifetime? Whether we move or stay here, we figure there is no timelike the present to give everything a good going through.  

We have lived in 15 houses since we got married and have been here the longest. In addition to the house, we have 3 good size buildings: OldBarn, MachineShed, and a big MortonBuilding. Not only do we have our own stuff, we have things from both sets of parents, plus all the things that go along with keeping up a place and raising cattle, sheep, pigs, and chickens. we sat down and broke this monumental task into chunks. We hope these are doable in part of a day without wearing ourselves out. So far we have 53 chunks. Sometimes we can work together. Sometimes we can each take a chunk and work alone. Sometimes we will need to get help. We are doing this partly for ourselves, but also for our kids, so they won't have such a chore sometime in the future. 



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