47F/gray/breezy/Here I sit, still in my jammies. I have been busy all morning with desk work. We voted by mail and visited with the foot doctor's office by phone. I fixed a problem HeHimself was having with his computer. I have been trying to resolve a SNAFU with an online order...Ugg!
I ordered a little holder/stand for my tablet. It was delivered somewhere in NC, but of course we live in IN. That was back on April 20. Since then my item has been in a black hole. All of this is complicated by the virus thingy. 

If we were still working I would not have time for all this merriment. I would give it up as a lost cause, but as a retiree I soldier on in the hope that either my item shows up in our mailbox or I find someone who will help me get my money back. What fun have you had today?


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